Calling for Volunteers

The Australian Junior and Senior Weightlifting Championships will be staged at the Grandstand Hall of the Hobart Showgrounds over 3 days,  2-4 June  2017.

The organisers seek volunteers for the following roles:

Food serving

The role involves manning a food counter to sell light snacks and beverages to the public and participants in the main hall and assisting with the supply of food to VIP’s. Some assistance with food preparation in the kitchen above the main hall my also be required.

It is envisaged that 3-hour shifts will be implemented and that each shift will be staffed by 3 volunteers.

Please download the Food Serving Team Nomination Schedule to see the suggested shifts and to nominate for a shift. Please email any information or questions to Leo at:

Bar Loading

Four (4) individuals are required for each session of Weightlifting and there are 13 sessions over the the 3 days of the championship. Loaders will receive a screenprinted T-Shirt with championship insignia. In addition to loading the bar and positioning correctly on the platform, loaders will also be required to keep the bar clean and to sweep the platform if required. When working in a team of four there will be one loader who supervises the correct loading of the bar and this person generally has the most experience.

Please download the Bar Loaders Nomination Schedule to see the session times and to nominate for a session. Please email any information or questions to Leo at:

Other Roles

In addition to the Food Serving Team and Bar Loaders, there will be a need for other helpers in regard to the following:

Heating Monitor – Pressing the heating start button every hour and monitoring whether the heating is working.

Door Attendant –  Providing programmes and information to anyone who enters

Runner – Someone to act as runner to the shops for any items needed e.g. water bottles, batteries

Ushers – Providing information to people where toilets and change rooms are, VIP area, weigh-in room, etc.

To nominate for these and other roles, please email:

Thank You!